A captive Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) Network based on WiMax technology was implemented in July 2012 covering all the Three Assets, Sub-Asset and Basin at Western Onshore locations in Gujarat. The Project provides Voice & Data communication among remote installations and respective Asset/Basin Headquarters of ONGC. All the remotes under BWA Network designed for minimum 256Kbps and can go upto 512Kbps to facilitate all the IT based Operational & Business applications.
⦁ The project comprises of 6 Base stations along with its associated 217 Remote sites (Fixed-179 Nos. and Work Over Rigs(Owned)-38 Nos.) spread around Asset/Basin HQ and offices of Ahmedabad, Anklehwar, Gandhar, Cambay (Sub-Asset), Mehsana and Vadodara. The project also covers remote production installations and Work-over Rigs.
This project was the extension of this existing project. It includes supply of Radio, High Mast, IP Phones, Antenna etc. Following are the oactions of the project:
⦁ Mehsana
⦁ Ankleswar and Gandhar
⦁ Ahmedabad
⦁ Cambay
⦁ Vadodara
The value of the project was Rs. 9.23 Crore and the project was implemented during year 2016-17.